High Definition transcranial Electrical Stimulator.

Sub-gyri and multi-region targeting with image-guided neuronavigation.
Customizable waveforms in a range of independent stimulation channel options (5, 9, 17, 33, 65, and 128).
Full integration for closed-loop applications.

Product Features


  • The Soterix Medical MxN-PRO HD-tES / HD-tDCS stimulator allows fully programmable waveform control across up to 128 channels.
  • MRI-guided Neuronavigation combined with Neurotargeting software allows the selection of any superficial or deep brain target with unmatched control.
  • Full software control, including LSL (Lab Streaming Layer) integration. Seamless integration with behavioral tasks (E-Prime), imaging such as EEG and fNIRS, and synchronization with external devices.
  • Integration with monitoring technologies: The Soterix Medical MxN-PRO Stimulator allows for the first time – dense stimulation (up to 65 channels) combined with dense recording applications. Leverage our integrated technology solutions to pair with research-grade EEG, fNIRS, PET, fMRI options that you want and trust. Use the full software control option to plan real-time closed-loop application. Use the triggering option to implement experiments that allow closing the loop. Use our unique electrode holders to hold HD-tES / HD-tDCS stimulation electrode and the recording electrode at the same scalp location by either: a) holding both at the same time or b) holding either one, one at a time. The possibilities are endless.
  • MxN-PRO + MRI: Soterix Medical MxN-PRO systems can be used in the fMRI/MRI using a unique MxN-PRO-MRI kit. These complete kits provide an easy solution for full integration of our MxN-PRO stimulator with MRI/fMRI. The setup is rated to be compatible with any sequence in a 7T machine in Normal and First Level modes.

Technical Specifications

Electrical and Operating Characteristics: 

Up to 128 isolated programmable current-controlled sources with common ground to ensure current conservation at all times.

In Basic sub-mode:

  • Allows delivering standard (non-arbitrary waves): tDCS, tACS, and tRNS
  • Intensity: Adjustable from -3.00 mA to +3.00 mA with 0.01 mA resolution on any individual channel. Total Net Intensity allowed = 10 mA
  • Precision: 1% over full current range.
  • Duration: Adjustable from 3 – 7200 sec (1 sec resolution)
  • Delay: Adjustable from 0 – 600 msec (1 msec resolution)**
  • Waveform Polarity: Unipolar or Bipolar
  • Ramp duration/s: Adjustable from 0 – 127 sec (1 sec resolution)
  • Frequency: Adjustable from 0.001 to 5,000 Hz (0.001 Hz resolution)**
  • Max compliance voltage: ± 30 V per channel.
  • Delay functionality: The delay value set adds up as the channel number increases. For instance, if the delay is
    set to 50 ms- Ch1 would start normally, Ch3 would start
    50 ms after Ch1 start, Ch5 would start 50 ms from Ch3
    start (or 100 ms from Ch1 start and so on).


In Arbitrary sub-Mode:

  • Maximum number of samples: 128k samples for each channel
  • Sampling time (sample period): >5 µs
  • Frequency: Adjustable from 0.001 to 5,000 Hz (0.001 Hz resolution)**

** Use either odd or even numbered channels when using the delay or frequency setting as consecutive channel pairs (1-2, 3-4, 4-5, etc.) cannot be set to have a delay or frequency between them. Note: Setting independent frequency on independent channels is allowed in the Basic sub-mode but not in the Arbitrary sub-mode

  • Waveform load time: MxN-33 (1 channel): 750 ms*** MxN-33 PRO (1 channel): 75 ms***

***These load times are independent of Windows OS related delay times.



  • HD-tDCS / HD-tES
  • High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS)
  • High-Definition transcranial Electrical Stimulation (HD-tES)

The MxN PRO system works in two modes.

Basic Mode

  • Program typical tES waveforms (tDCS, tACS, tRNS), intensity, duration, frequency (0.001 – 5KHz) where applicable, ramp time, and ramp occurrence.
  • Single channel selection- Same stimulation settings are applied automatically for all channels.
  • Multiple channel selection- Allows application of individual waveforms through selected channels.
  • Single or Double blind operation.

Arbitrary Mode

  • Load any waveform from samples in a text file with a sampling period of 2.5 μs and frequency as low as 0.001Hz.
  • Single channel selection- Same stimulation settings are applied automatically for all channels.
  • Multiple channel selection- Allows application of individual waveforms through selected channels.
  • Single or Double blind operation.

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