HD-tES Neuronavigation
Neuronavigation to precisely and accurately position electrodes for HD-tES.
- Precision of 4mm or better.
- Spatial accuracy better than 1 mm.
- Fully compatible with all Soterix Medical HD-tES systems.
- Direct integration with HD-Targets is coming soon.
- Import of standard MRI data types (Nifti, Analyze, and DICOM).
- 3D MR constructed scalp, brain and activation (fMRI) data.
- Intuitive software workflow.
- Complete setup fits in a small suitcase making it ideal for bed-side investigation and easy transportation.
HD-tES Neuronavigation in three easy steps.
Use HD-Targets to determine optimal electrode placement for your brain target.
Load stimulation electrode voxel locations into Neural navigator software.
Navigate to stimulation electrode location using individual’s MRI and mark location on scalp.
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