1×1 tES 

The ultimate research tool for non-invasive electrical stimulation of the brain.

The 1×1 transcranial Electrical Stimulation (1×1-tES) device is the most sophisticated and precise stimulator ever designed for tDCS, tACS, tPCS, and tRNS.

The Complete System for tES

Complete Waveforms

The Soterix Medical 1×1 tES device provides reproduction of tDCS, tACS, tPCS, and tRNS protocols used in clinical trials. The 1×1 tES is thus a single device that is programmed to provide a broad range waveforms. For any tES waveform, a matched sham waveform is enabled simply by engaging the sham switch. The Soterix Medical 1×1 tES is thus the best option for research labs that want the flexibility to test across tES waveforms with the established reliability and precision of the Soterix Medical 1×1 platform.

Product Features


The 1X1 tES device is the ultimate research package for stimulation.

tACS, tPCS, tRNS, tODCS waves at 0.5 Hz resolution in addition to tDCS.

Current duration up to 40 min of stimulation.
Duration can be adjusted on each session using a simple dial.

Easy adjustment of stimulation intensity from 0.1 mA to 2 mA. Applies a fixed ramp slope current output.

Complete Accessories
Compatibility with the state of the art 1×1 platform accessories provides even more flexibility including:

  • The only pad electrodes designed for tES and industry standard head-gear.
  • The ability to simply upgrade to multi-channel pad stimulation (e.g. 2×1 or 2×2) using the economical breakout boxes.
  • Upgrade to HD-tDCS using the 4×1 adaptor and provide any waveforms with 4×1 targeting
  • Use Soterix Medical Neurotargeting software to design and prove brain targeted montages

Exclusive Features

Each Soterix Medical 1×1 feature was developed by our team of biomedical engineers consulting closely with leading clinical centers. Designed to simply set-up, provide intelligent warning of a fault condition, and allow for adjusting for patient comfort, these features facilitate reliable and tolerated tES. The Soterix Medical SmartScan™ feature is central in all tES devices to allow reliable set-up and monitoring. The Relax™ (Transiently decrease the current), Tickle™ (Supply a weak current prior to tDCS to condition the skin), and TrueCurrent™ (Clearly indicates the actual current supplied) innovations were developed for the 1×1 tES.

Technical Specifications

Electrical and Operating Characteristics:

  • Power source: 2, 9V Li-Ion (600 mAh) rechargeable batteries (removable)
  • Battery life (with fresh batteries): 6 hrs
  • 6 standard modes: DC (tDCS and tODCS) and non-DC (tPCS, tACS, tRNS L H , tRNS)
  • For tPCS, tACS, tRNS: Adjustable frequencies from 1 to 200 Hz with 0.5 Hz resolution For tRNS L H : Frequency can be adjusted to 100 Hz for an output of 0.1-100
    Hz or to 640 Hz for an output of 101-640 Hz
  • Adjustable Duration: up to 40 minutes
  • Adjustable Current Intensity: up to ±2,000 µA
  • Length: 7.91 in.
  • Width: 5.9 in.
  • Height: 2.83 in.
  • Weight: 1 lb 2.4 oz (520 gms)
  • Connector type: shielded banana
  • Maximum Output Voltage: 40V ± 5%

Trigger: Electrical via BNC socket on rear panel

  • Triggers at +5V on positive edge TTL
  • Maximum input: +7.5 V
  • Minimum pulse duration: 5 milliseconds (Note: devices with SN prior to 1707010100 have a minimum pulse duration of 100 microseconds).



  • transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES)
  • transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
  • transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS)
  • transcranial pulsed current stimulation (tPCS)
  • transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS)

1×1 tES

Device Features

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