SUDOSCAN is a test that provides an accurate evaluation of sweat gland function.

SUDOSCAN’s focus on small nerve fibers within the peripheral nervous system innervating the sweat glands.

SUDOSCAN measures the ability of the sweat glands to release chloride ions in response to an electrochemical stimulus on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, areas with the highest sweat gland density.

SUDOSCAN test results can be used as indicators for patients at risk of autonomic dysfunction through the measurement of Electrochemical Sweat Conductance (ESC) and the amount of observed asymmetry between the right and left side.

SUDOSCAN has been tested for small fiber nerve neuropathies in several diseases and compared to guidelines reference tests: > Diabetes > Parkinson > Chemotherapy induced polyneuropathy > Familial amyloid polyneuropathy > Fabry disease

Product Features

The SUDOSCAN Principle

A Test of Sudoral Function

The degeneration of small nerve fibers reduces sweat gland innervation and impairs sudomotor function.

SUDOSCAN tests sweat gland function by applying a small direct current to both hand and foot sensor plates. At a low voltage, the stratum corneum acts as a capacitor, leaving the sweat ducts as the only channel for the transmission of Cl- ions.

SUDOSCAN provides a quantitative measure of chloride conductance (measured in microsiemens) and its results serve as a biomarker to assess sweat gland function in relation to sweat gland innervation.


Sudomotor dysfunction is a common finding, and one of the earliest detectable abnormalities in a number of peripheral and autonomic neuropathies.

SUDOSCAN has been tested for small fiber neuropathies in several diseases and compared to guide references tests :

Chemotherapy induces polyneuropathy
Familial amyloid polyneuropathy
Fabry disease


  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson
  • Chemotherapy induces polyneuropathy
  • Familial amyloid polyneuropathy
  • Fabry disease

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