Compumedics NeuroScan

Neurology Research Technologies: World-Leading Solutions for EEG, ERPs, Source Localization and Functional Neuro-Imaging.

Compumedics NeuroScan

A world leading developer of software and hardware for a wide range of Neuroscience applications. Neuroscan provides state of the art systems for the acquisition and analysis of EEG, ERP and EP data. The systems are designed to be integrated platforms, to allow uncompromising solutions for seamless recording and analysis of EEG data across a variety of domains. Neuroscan has developed multiple hardware and software systems that combined, build the ideal platform for a particular area of research. Because of this flexibility, the components and the platforms are not limited to any specific area of research, providing flexibility to move from recordings in one area to another, frequently and with the same hardware configuration.
EEG/EP/ERP Amplifiers

High-definition portable EEG amplifier with interchangeable modules. One device to meet all your routine, portable, and long-term EEG needs.

The Siesta 32-channel EEG amplifier is the solution for wireless EEG recordings. Imagine having the freedom for your subject to move and still being able record clean EEG data.

SynAmps RT is a 70 Channel amplifier system, consisting of 64 monopolar, 4 bipolar and 2 high-level channels. Each channel has a dedicated 24 bit A-to-D, to ensure the most accurate sampling available.

The Neuvo is well suited to meet the needs of any Neuroscience laboratory. Build on the technology of the SynAmps RT, the Neuvo is an EEG, ERP and EP amplifier with very high specifications at a competitive price.
32-channel EEG/ERP Amplifier. The Grael 4K EEG amplifier is a powerful evolution of the first version of the Grael amplifier. The amplifier is well suited for EEG studies in both research and clinical applications.
EEG/EP/ERP software
Tools for recording EEG, Evoked Potentials (EP), Event-related Potentials (ERP) and Brain Computer Interface (BCI).
Tools that may be used for analysis of EEG, ERP, EP and MEG data and allow integration with different image modalities such as MRI, CT, functional MRI, PET, SPECT and more.
Concurrent fMRI/EEG and MEG/EEG Recording  –  MEG system
For recording EEG in the MRI environment, nothing surpasses the MicroMagLink RT System. The new MicroMagLink system is used for obtaining integrated EEG and EP/ERP recordings inside the fMRI and MEG.
Compumedics has overcome earlier MEG system barriers with the Compumedics Neuroscan Orion LifeSpan™’s increased precision coupled with fully-integrated MEG (Curry MEG) “gold standard” brain analysis software.
Stimulus Presentation system
STIM2 provides a familiar and simple interface to design and deliver stimuli with ease and, more importantly, accuracy. STIM2 provides complete control of the experiment, while delivering the highest quality stimuli.
EEG Caps
Electrode Application System for Advanced Research & Routine EEG Diagnostics. Quik-CapEEG has it all: Quick, consistent application, quality recordings and fast clean-up
Electrode Application System for Advanced Research & Routine EEG Diagnostics. Quik-CapEEG has it all: Quick, consistent application, quality recordings and fast clean-up
Electrode Application System for Advanced Research & Routine EEG Diagnostics. Quik-CapEEG has it all: Quick, consistent application, quality recordings and fast clean-up
Electrode Application System for Advanced Research & Routine EEG Diagnostics. Quik-CapEEG has it all: Quick, consistent application, quality recordings and fast clean-up

Set up your EEG/ERP/EP Research lab easily

Just follow 3 easy steps


Select an amplifier



Software Modules


Add an EEG Cap


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